Soccer Coaching: Getting Clear On WHY You Coach


It is my experience that often we choose to do things in life, such as athletic coaching, without really ever knowing what spurs us on, where the passion comes from, or why we do it. Do you ever ask yourself why it is you do what you do, especially if you are passionate about it?  And what is your real or true intention for doing what you do?  Are you following me with these “do what you dos” (it’s the do what, not the do wop for the older crowd)?  If you are, let’s move on.  If you are not, the following will stand alone.  Is it important to get absolutely clear about WHY you coach soccer or any sport?  Is your intention important in coaching in getting the results you truly desire?  Would your approach to coaching (the how) change if you got clear about why you coach?  What if we are not clear about why we coach and what is the impact of not being clear?   I will cover all of these questions in the blogs that follow.  To start with, I will discuss my personal intention for coaching soccer.

My intention (my why) for coaching soccer:

In a nut shell I coach soccer to empower the player – as a human being – to play the game of soccer and to live life from a position of glory and contribution.  This may sound like a whole lot of gobbly gook, but hang on as I will expand on this in the following blogs. I coach with this intention; to serve my fellow human being through supporting them in empowering themselves, to watch and feel the magnificence of humanity as they grow, and to empower myself (my selfish reason) to live a life of personal power, glory and contribution.  I personally gain great joy in serving others, but while always continuing to honor myself.  This is important because I have no desire or need to be a martyr, victim, or hero in what I do. I gain joy through watching a player do something he/she never thought possible, and seeing them understand themselves as powerful human beings.  And I teach that which I wish to learn (by teaching it I must own it at much deeper levels).

In the following blogs I will discuss why empowerment, glory and contribution is so important to me.

Can you tell yourself clearly why you coach and what is your true intention?  If not, should you discover it and what will the impact be to all those affected by your coaching?  If you do know, would you accept it as the best for the players, best for the community and best for you?  Is there another intention that would give greater results for everyone?  Are you prepared to discuss your intention with all those affected by your decisions?  Are you prepared to be an authentic coach?  Are you truly honest with yourself?  Would you be willing to get honest feedback?

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